Year 5

Little Leigh Primary School: Year 1

Welcome to Year 5!

Meet the Teacher 2024-25

This presentation includes all of the information you will need to know about life in Year 5. 

Please find our 'Meet the Teacher 2024' presentation here.

Expectations in Year 5.

As the children are now in Upper Key Stage 2, it is very important for them to set a great example to the younger children in the school.  In Year 5, we exemplify the school's values of kindness, respect, honesty, friendship and perseverance.


Staffing and Classes

Jackson Class is located in Pavilion Three.  Miss Charlton and Mrs Reed teach in this class. Miss Bennett and Mrs P provide additional support.

Did you know...this class is named after Mary Jackson, a mathematician and aerospace engineer?

Johnson Class is located in Pavilion Three, on the right hand side. Miss Talbot, Mrs Repsch and Miss Smith teach in this class.

Did you know...this class is named after Katherine Johnson, a mathematician and NASA computer scientist?

Hawking Class is located in Pavilion Two, on the left hand side.  Mrs Dunne and Mrs Palmer teach in this class. Miss Ball provides additional support. 

Did you know...this class is named after the famous scientist, Stephen Hawking?


Should you need to contact any member of the Year 5 team, please use the following email addresses:

Miss Charlton (Year Group Lead):

Mrs Repsch:

Miss Talbot:

Mrs Dunne:


PPA time and covered lessons

PPA time is time set aside for teachers, during their timetabled teaching day, to allow them to carry out planning, preparation and assessment activities. PPA time is covered each week by the Year 5 Teaching Assistants or a cover teacher.  The lessons are planned by the class teachers and delivered by a TA.  This term, PPA cover lessons are as follows:

Hawking Class - Mrs Palmer

Johnson Class - Miss Smith

Jackson Class - Mrs Grieve

Class Timetable

This is an example of how our timetable looks. In order to provide an exciting curriculum which adds to the children's cultural capital, this timetable is subject to change in order to accommodate workshops, visitors and other special events. 


Children must come to school in their PE kits on PE days. This term our PE is as follows:

Jackson: PE is on Monday and Tuesday 

Johnson: PE in on Tuesday and Thursday

Hawking:  PE is on Monday and Thursday

The children are expected to wear the correct, named kit for outdoor and indoor lessons, especially a warm navy tracksuit and trainers for the colder weather. In line with our uniform policy, PE uniform must be navy and trainers must be plain white, navy or black.

If children have their ears pierced, they will be expected to take out their earrings or cover them with medical tape for PE lessons.


Homework is introduced in Year 5 to encourage the children's perseverance and time management, so that they are ready for the challenges of home learning in future. Children in Year 5 are expected to complete homework tasks in English and maths which should take approximately one hour per week.  Reading is in addition to these tasks.  

Homework is set on a Friday and is due in the following Wednesday. If homework isn't completed in Term 1, the children will have time on a Friday to complete it while the class has 'reward time'. From Term 2, if homework isn't completed, the children will complete it during their lunch time on Thursdays with Miss Charlton. 

Reading Homework

Regular reading is of vital importance to support children's academic progress so please

- encourage your child or children to read as much as possible.

- listen to your child or children.

- read to your child or children.

We expect children to read at least five times per week for 20 minutes.  

Maths Homework

Children should complete the task given to them by their teacher and will consolidate learning from the week's lessons. This will be set through Class Dojo and as well as on paper. The children should complete their homework online and upload this to Class Dojo. This will be checked on a weekly basis.

English Homework

Children should complete the work set on Reading Plus.

Year 5 Curriculum

The curriculum at The Discovery School is an enquiry based one in which the children are encouraged to ask and answer questions about a topic.  

Through this enquiry based learning, the children will get the opportunities to experience a range of activities which will help to develop further their knowledge and skills of the wider world. 

Year 5 Learning experience guarantees 

Throughout the year the children in Year 5 will be trying to discover the answers to these 'Questions for Discovery':

Terms 1 and 2

Were the Vikings always vicious?

Terms 3 and 4

What is the next giant leap for mankind?

Terms 5 and 6

Were all Ancient Egyptians like Tutankhamun?




Other information

To give you an idea about what happens in secondary transfer. 

Provision  Maps

Please click here to access the whole school provision map outlining all the interventions taking place in the school.  If you have questions about any of the provision that is taking place for your child, please ask your child's class teacher.