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  • SEND Process

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  • Whole School Provision Map

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  • Accessibility Plan

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  • Online Safety Advice for Parents

    Advice for parents on how to keep their children safe onlineIt is now virtually impossible to be a parent of a child who is not an active participant in the online world.

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  • Children's Online safety

    Keeping Yourself Safe OnlineHere is our NEW Child-friendly online safety booklet!

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  • Future Technology

    Future Technology: New technology that is currently being developed, or will be developed within the next five to ten years.Here at The Discovery School, we like to prepare children for their future by providing them with a well-rounded education.

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  • Clubs

    The Discovery School is proud to offer a wide range of clubs and after school activities.

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  • Community

    FGB-Constitution-Oct-2021. docx

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  • Parent Partnership Group

    Welcome to our Parent Partnership Group page.

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  • Friends of Discovery School

    2023/2024 Diary Dates Tuesday 26th September 2023- FODS Meeting 7pm - School Staff Room Thursday 19th October 2023 - Halloween Raffle Draw 9am Saturday 11th November 2023 - Fireworks Display 5pm to 7pm Thursday 23rd November 2023 - Non Uniform day in exchange for a bottle or £1 Saturday 9th December 2023 - Christmas Fair 11am to 2pm Wednesday 24th January 2024 - FODS Meeting 7pm - School Staff Room Friday 8th March 2024 - Quiz Night - doors open 6.45pm Click here to book your tickets Thursday 14th March 2024 - AGM meeting 7pm - School Staff Room Friday 15th March 2024 - Non uniform day in exchange for £1 to go towards the Easter Egg Hunt Monday 25th March 2024 - Easter Raffle Draw Wednesday 27th March 2024 - Easter Egg Hunt Wednesday 1st May 2024 - FODS Meeting 7pm Wednesday 19th June 2024 - Non uniform day - wear red, white or blue in exchange for a bottle for the bottle tombola Thursday 20th June 2024 - 7pm at The Spitfire Pub Saturday 6th July 2024 - Summer Fair Monday 21st October 2024 - Halloween Raffle Draw Saturday 9th November 2024 - Fireworks Display Tuesday 26th November 2024 - Non uniform day in exchange for a bottle for the bottle tombola Saturday 30th November 2024 - Christmas Fair Current FODS Committee MembersChairperson - Joint - Sophie Elphick and Selina Birch Vice Chairperson – Vacant Treasurer – Steven Clack Secretary - Joanna La Roche Vice Treasurer - Claire Caplan Catering – Vicky Woodhams Committee Members - Sarah Mason, Sarah Palmer, Alison Stannard, Marc Sargent, Amy Russell, Emily Rimmer, Jill Smukowich-Sargent, Lou Bettridge and Sarah Brett.

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