Year 2 Learning Updates


This term we have been learning all about how seeds germinate. We have planted sunflowers, beans and grass! Our grass heads are quite imaginative! We have octopus heads, long haired heads and bearded heads!

Food Wraps

Yum! We have made healthy wraps learning the skills of cutting, grating and peeling. Look at these young chefs!

Term 5

How have we reached term 5 already? This school year is going so quickly. We have learnt all about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole through the most exciting workshop. History off the page brought to life the journey of Florence and Mary from England to Turkey. They made candles, wrote cards, bandaged one another and had an action packed day. Thank you to all the parents who volunteered to help and make this day extra special.

Wattle and Daub

One of our favourite ways to learn about the Great Fire of London and homes in 1666 is to try and make a wall using a building technique called wattle and daub. The children carefully weaved sticks on a wooden frame (wattle) and put a mixture of mud, straw and soil (which represented horse dung) in between the sticks. It was a great experience which highlighted how hard it would have been to build a house in 1666. This was amazingly facilitated and created by Mrs Chapman.


Year 2 had several sessions with a member of the Kent Cricket Club community team. The children learnt the skills of bowling and batting. Keep an eye out for future Cricket Stars here!

Science Week

This week we have explored the concept of time! We experimented with jelly, finding out if adding fruit affected the time it took the jelly to set.

Speak to your child about their findings because each class had different results!

World Book Day

Year 2 loved celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 7th March. We dressed up as our favourite book characters, read from our favourite books and drew our favourite books! What an exciting day!

Term 4

The Great Fire of London

On Thursday 29th February Year 2 boarded the coach and set of to Kent Life. When we arrived, the children were transported back in time to 1666. They met the diarist Samuel Pepys, Hannah Farriner the daughter of Thomas Farriner and they learnt how to make bread. The children had a wonderful day and they all demonstrated the school values throughout the day. We are very proud of them.

Learning in the New Year!

Wow! The children in year 2 have made an excellent start to the year. We have been working hard learning how to add and subtract using the early stages of the grid method. 

It has been challenging, but the children have persevered and now they are experts! Well done year 2! 


We have had a very busy but fun filled term. The children have braved the wet and cold and completed four Forest School session. Mrs Chapman has set up all different learning activities for them each and every visit, including: baking cinnamon bread, carving Father Christmas's, making God's eyes and learning to use a hand drill. This is additional to all the other activities set up for the children to explore and use.

We also enjoyed making Christmas crowns for our scrummy Christmas Dinner and Christingles for our service.


The children really enjoyed learning about using a website and email during their computing lessons this term. They especially enjoyed using Purple Mash to email Father Christmas himself! He responded very quickly and the children used their new skills to navigate how to reply and send!

Design Technology

It was lovely having so many parents come into school to help us with our sewing. The children loved researching, designing and making their very own Christmas Stocking. I do believe we have future designers in our year 2 cohort! Watch out London Fashion Week! 

More learning...

We have been busy painting our sea pictures as part of our art learning linked to The Storm Whale. We have also started to learn about coding, inputting instructions to move a Bee Bot around! We used our computing skills and social skills to work in small groups and take turns.

Fun in the forest!

We have had some wonderful sessions in the Forest with Mrs Chapman. We have cooked in the mud kitchen, made God's eyes and stick men. We have splashed (and rolled in the mud). The learning and experience in the forest is amazing and never ending.

Term 2 

We have had a lovely Autumnal start to our term this week. We have explored pumpkins and created adjective lists to help us write pumpkin poetry.


Term 1

Now term 1 is nearing the end, we can honestly say it has been very busy, productive and fun. We have been developing our knowledge of place value in maths, learning how to write stories and poems in English and we have been experimenting with different medias in art. Well done year 2!

Welcome to Year 2!

The children have made a wonderful start to their year 2 journey. We have started to learn about what friendship is and how 'The Rainbow Fish' learns to make friends. We have been developing our gymnastic skills and throwing and catching skills in PE and we have are learning all about Animals including Humans in science. The children especially enjoyed celebrating the school's 20th Anniversary.