Year 2 Learning Updates
Term 3
Our Visit to Kent Life
Year 2 had a fantastic day at Kent Life learning all about the Great Fire of London. We all took part in 3 workshops:
Who was Samuel Pepys?
Meet the Baker?
From grain to bread.
The children really enjoyed learning more about Samuel Pepys, they were able to ask questions and even got an opportunity to write using a quill. During the Meet the Baker workshop, they learned more about the Great Fire and shared lots of information that they had already learned at school, the baker was very impressed.
The children loved learning all about bread and making their own. They were great at adding the water slowly, mixing the ingredients and then kneading and shaping their dough into their own little bun shapes. These were then baked for them and they all took their own bread home.
They finished the day by having a ride on the tractor too!
Wattle and daub
During our wattle and daub workshops in the last week of this term, we learned about the building method used for making walls and buildings, in which a woven lattice of wooden strips called "wattle" is "daubed" with a sticky material usually made of some combination of wet soil, clay, sand, and straw.
Wattle and daub is still an important construction method in many parts of the world.
The children had great fun in Discovery Walk using sticks, paper straws, mud, water and sand to recreate this method.
As part of our computing this term we learnt how to control the Bluebots using an iPads. We also input algorithms into our Bluebot program to move around different grids, one of the grids we used was a map of the United Kingdom which the children loved. We also learnt how to debugged of set of instructions if they didn't work correctly.
Term 2
Anti-bullying Week
As part of anti-bullying week, we talked about how we are all unique, how we can support each other and the positive behaviours that we can demonstrate and promote.
We also took part in odd sock day!
Spooky Adjectives
In small groups we came up with as many adjectives as we could to describe our pumpkins. We then used our adjectives to create noun phrases which we then linked together to create short poems related to our pumpkins. We had great fun exploring and discussing the pumpkins.
Term 1
Animal Poetry
Term 1, Week 4/5
In English we have been learning about rhyming words. We looked at the spelling patterns of words that rhyme and discuss how sometimes they do not have similar spellings but the sound is always the same.
To create our own animal poems, we thought of rhyming words to match a range of animal names. We then wrote our own animal poems using some of the rhyming words that we had collected.
Tints and Shades
Term 1 Art lessons
During our art lessons we have been learning about tints and shades. The children have experimented by adding white to a base colour to create tints and then adding black to a base colour in order to create shades.
They produced some beautiful 'sky' themed artwork using the techniques that they had learnt.
Meesha Makes Friends
This term our key text in Meesha Makes Friends by Tom Percival. The children have enjoyed looking at and discussing this text already. It is all about a young girl who finds making new friends challenging. It introduces a range of different feelings and emotions that we have discussed during our English and PSHE lessons. We have also talked about how we could help to managed the feelings that Meesha has throughout the story.