Eco Club

Welcome to the Discovery School Eco-Club.  We work collaboratively with our School Council and together we learn how to help the environment and make it a better place. 

The Eco-Club is linked to the nationwide scheme Eco-Schools and with support from the school and local communities, worked hard over the past few years to fulfil the criteria required for the prestigious Green Flag.  Not only have they improved their local environment focusing on the Eco-School topics; Waste, Transport and School Grounds, but they have also developed invaluable life skills.  These life skills were; teamwork, planning, confidence, leadership, critical thinking, increased environmental awareness, improved environmental behaviours and improved health and wellbeing.

Part of the Eco-School’s criteria for the Green Flag is to decide which of the 10 different topics we need to focus on this year. These topics are;




School Grounds


Healthy Living


Global Citizenship

Water and



Two of the topics we are continuing to focus on are Transport and Waste.


Thursday is Star Steppers day, when we would like you to take the opportunity to travel to school more sustainably. Whether it is walking, scooting, cycling, taking public transport or park and stride (parking further away, then walking to school). By travelling to school sustainably, not only will it improve your health, concentration and well-being, but it will also improve air quality and the local environment. You can learn different star constellations too!

The class who has the most children travelling to school sustainably on a Thursday wins the Star Stepper trophy!

Therefore, what are you waiting for, let us all be Star Steppers!


Another focus we would like your support to continue is helping reduce, reuse or recycle waste.

So, we have three challenges

Reduce Challenge – reduce the amount of food waste by eating all your lunch.

Reuse Challenge – use reusable containers for your food and water.

Recycle Challenge – recycle unwanted clothes and shoes with Recycle with Michael.

The Recycle with Michael collection bin is in the staff carpark.


How to save energy at home...

Useful links:

Exciting News

Please click below for our exciting video of a Nesting Wren.....
Vimeo / CAPTCHA Challenge


Diary Dates


Every Thursday - Star Steppers!

20 May - 26 May - Water Week. What can you do to save water?