School Data

How well do our children do at the end of EYFS? 


School (2024)

Kent (2024)

National (2024) 

Percentage at ‘Good Level of Development’

82 %



How well do our children in Year 1 do in the Phonics Assessment?


School (2024)

Kent (2023)

National (2024) 

Percentage achieving the National Phonics Standard




How well do our children in Year 4 do in the Multiplication Tables check?


School (2024)

Kent (2024)

National (2024) 

Average Points Scored (out of 25)




How well our children in Year 6 do at the end of Key Stage 2?
  School  Kent  National 
R/W/M % Expected Standard + 76% TBC 61%
R/W/M % Higher Standard 9% TBC 7%
Reading % Expected Standard + 88% TBC 74%
Reading % Higher Standard (110+) 41% TBC 28%
Reading Average Scaled Score 107.4 TBC 105.0
Writing % Expected Standard + 85% TBC 72%
Writing % Greater Depth 16% TBC 12%
GPS % Expected Standard + 92% TBC 72%
GPS % Higher Score (110+) 55% TBC 31%
GPS Average Scaled Score 109.0 TBC 105.0
Maths % Expected Standard + 85% TBC 73%
Maths % Higher Score (110+) 30% TBC 23%
Maths Average Scaled Score 105.8 TBC 104.1