
Frequently Asked Questions about our uniform 

In September 2022, The Discovery School published it's new uniform list after consultation with parents. Below are a range of questions which came out of the consultation which may be helpful for all parents. 

Please be assured that any changes will be phased in over a transitional 12-month period, as we do not expect parents to discard recently purchased uniform items or garments that still have wear left in them.


Is the school phasing out the school logo from its uniform?

No.  However, the government paper https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/cost-of-school-uniforms/cost-of-school-uniforms makes it clear that schools must make its uniform affordable.  Whilst items with the school logo look smart and provide a sense of belonging and community, this can add to the cost of uniform.  Therefore, a uniform item without the logo will be permitted.

Why has the school specified a plastic ‘sipper-top’ water bottle?

Some parents made the very valid point that some plastic bottles can be damaging to health and the environment.  Any type of bottle is permitted (other than glass).  However, we do specify a ‘sipper-top/straw/flip-up’ spout as opposed to screw–top bottles.  This is because these types of bottles cause a big spillage when knocked over.

Are back-packs allowed?

Yes.  Every child can bring a bag to school with their belongings inside.  We don’t specify what type of school bag this should be, only that it is not too big to fit on a coat peg.

Does my child need a book-bag?

Children in EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 need a book bag.  This is for practical reasons as there are often things associated with their reading that need to be kept together in a book-box inside the classroom.  We recognise that when children are reading independently, this is no longer needed, so a book-bag is not needed beyond Year 2.

Why has the school specified a red or blue book-bag? 

This is because the School provides a new, branded book-bag free of charge to every child when they join the school in EYFS. Any named, replacement book-bag is also acceptable.

Why can the children only wear grey socks/tights? 

We opted for grey socks as these are widely available.  Navy socks and tights will also be acceptable.

Can my child wear white socks with the summer uniform?


Black trainers can be difficult to purchase - are there any other options?

Yes.  Many respondents raised this point.  Black or navy trainers would be our preference, but if these are not available then any subtle colour or white will be acceptable.  Bright and fluorescent colours, glitter and flashing lights will not be permitted.

Why are you changing to just a blue summer dress?

We wish to streamline the number of different colours available so that our uniform is more identifiable with The Discovery School.  However, respondents felt very strongly that a blue or red dress should be part of the uniform.  Governors will consider the strong feelings regarding this when finalising the uniform list.

Why do we need black plimsolls when my child rarely uses them?

This point was made by a large number of respondents.  Having investigated further, we agree that black plimsolls for indoor PE are not required and will be removed from the uniform list.

Why does my child need a PE bag?

The PE bag was an historical school item from when the children used to change for PE in school.  As the children now wear their PE kit to school, a PE bag is no longer needed and will be removed from the uniform list.

Why have you removed the ‘boys’ and ‘girls’ from the uniform list?

Every school has been reminded by the Government that we are required to adhere to our legal obligations under the Human Rights Act 1998 and the Equality Act 2010.   This means that parents should have the freedom to choose which uniform items to dress their children in, regardless of the gender at birth. 

Is a cardigan still permitted?

Yes.  The omission of a cardigan from the uniform list was an error. 

I see on the proposed list that summer play suits will no longer be an option. I don’t understand this move?

Whilst the gingham play-suits may look ideal for school, they have proved to be very impractical, particularly for our younger children who struggle to get in and out of them when using the toilet.  Shorts that can be easily pulled up and down are far easier for the children to manage and are a suitable summer alternative.

Why can’t shorts be worn throughout the year?

The school agrees that there is no reason why children can’t wear school shorts throughout the year.  This should be a parental decision based on comfort and air temperature.

Why are you permitting black jogging bottoms or leggings when the school PE kit is navy?

This was a point made by a large number of respondents.  The Governing Body will consider this feed-back when making the final decision about the uniform.

Is it necessary to specify a colour for a summer hat?

No.  The essential thing is that a summer hat is worn.  We will not be specifying a colour, only that it is practical and provides adequate protection from the sun.

Please can the children wear a navy ‘skort’ for PE rather than navy shorts?


Is the navy PE hoodie still part of the uniform?

Yes.  We would still prefer the pullover type hoodie provided by our uniform provider (Pages).  However, we do know that there have been some supply issues, so a zip-up hoodie will be permitted.  However, zips must be fastened whilst being worn during PE lessons as loose zips can cause injury.

Can hair accessories only be in school colours?

Hair accessories matched to natural hair colours can also be worn.  However, extravagant decorations, such as ‘JoJo’ bows, will not be permitted.

Will the Uniform Policy be enforced more rigorously from September?

Yes.  Children not wearing the correct uniform will be issued with a note to take home if the incorrect uniform is being worn.  Clean, spare uniform will be held in school for the children to change into.

Can culottes be worn instead of shorts?

Yes.  Tailored, knee-length culottes will be considered a suitable alternative to shorts.

Why can children wear black cycling shorts under skirts and dresses?

This is to preserve the children’s dignity, but the cycling shorts should not be visible beneath the hem of skirts and dresses.

I can’t afford to pay for a uniform - can the School help?

Yes.  We hold a stock of pre-loved uniform which can be purchased from the School at much lower prices.  Any family struggling with the cost of uniform can also approach the school office (in the strictest confidence) to request help.